Does registration cost anything?
Registration is $140. Register before August 31 to receive the early bird price of $125 and before May 31 to receive the super early bird price of $100.
Who may attend?
The conference material is focused toward men in ministry. Lay church leaders and those preparing for ministry are also welcome to attend.
Where should I stay?
Click here to see a list of hotels and accommodations within driving distance of the conference.
What should I wear?
Many will be in business casual or casual. We just want you to come!
Will I need to buy any meals?
Continental Breakfast and Lunch on both Thursday and Friday will be provided. For Thursday evening dinner, you will need to make your own plans.
What do I do when I first arrive?
Parking for the event is located in the church parking lot. Upon entering the church, follow the signs to the atrium and visit the registration table. You will be given a name tag and conference notebook.
When is check-in?
Check-in is from 8:00–8:45 a.m. on Thursday. Refreshments will be offered during this time.
Do I need to sign up for workshops in advance?
Will you be posting conference content?
Yes. The conference notes and video and audio recordings will be available on the conference website. You will be notified via email once the resources are available.
Will there be a social media hashtag?
Share your experience on social media using the hashtag #E3PC